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Antique Sarouk Farahan-150607

Design No.:150607
Product Status:In Stock
Available Sizes:4.5X6.7

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This late 19th century Feraghan Sarouk rug has a slightly abrashed old ivory field with an open centralized pattern developed from a focal rosette. Wiry arabesques extend in the cardinal directions and form skeletal cartouches along the vertical axis. A delicate scatter fill of small rosettes and tiny semi-geometric devices further ornaments the field. The navy main border has the classic octofoil and rosette pattern amid a millefleurs background. The foundation is all cotton with a very fine weave of asymmetric (Persian) knots. The pile is clipped short to precisely render the unique pattern. Feraghan-Sarouks were made only during the 1880-1910 period and this excellent example is one of the best and most individual.